Learning Ruby

Reference, Mnemonic & Ramblings

Quiz for Rails Beginners 1

Here's a quiz for people who are just getting started learning web-application development. Most questions are specific to Rails, others are generic. Each question is a link pointing to my corresponding answer as i understand the concepts the today.

Developing Web-based BlackJack

So, i am finally done developing the web-version of the BlackJack game! Like i mentioned in the previous post, it was suggested in the TeaLeaf course to use procedural programming to keep it simple and focused on web application development learning!

My (Failed) Initial Experiments With TDD

My better-half is a software developer with a rich experience of 10+ years. She absolutely swears by Test Driven Development (TDD). And seems to have all the right reasons for preaching it, as far as my limited knowledge goes. I read up a bit about it and watched a few screen casts too.

How to Start Writing a (Procedural) Program

I have starter trouble… always. I either spend way too much time 'planning' and 'collecting information' when i want to start something new, or, the other extreme (but less often), just dive right into it and then suffer due to under preparation.